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what goes in the Shipyard(was:Re: More pictures of new starfighter)
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 21:01:24 GMT
1415 times
Well - since I haven't finished it, yet, maybe I should hold off a week or
so, till I get it completed and get some background for it. :)

I just wanted to verify if any of my space stuff qualified, since you've
also got a few fighters up on your page and all.  If my two Wasp's would
qualify, they're 'done'. Otherwise, I'll bug you once the frieghter is
finished and named.

One of the things about the Galactic Shipyard is that many of the
creations are not finished. I personally like this as it lets the site
develop over time with updates from builders. I also love under
construction pictures. So if anyone wants to put up a huge ship that
still is not done fell free.
As for smaller creations for about 3 months or so I was excepting them
but the site got a bit cluttered and I don't believe I can do justice
to the many small creations out there. I am going to keep around the
biggest  fighters however.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More pictures of new starfighter
(...) Well - since I haven't finished it, yet, maybe I should hold off a week or so, till I get it completed and get some background for it. :) I just wanted to verify if any of my space stuff qualified, since you've also got a few fighters up on (...) (24 years ago, 5-Feb-01, to,

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