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Re: Moonbase corridor ideas
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Wed, 27 Apr 2005 00:57:55 GMT
2499 times
In, Jon Palmer wrote:
While building a new demo-module for the Moonbase page I started
thinking about ground level module corridors.

I've always thought wide corridors would do more harm than good, but...

Should we add a ground-level wide corridor?
For that matter, should we add a wide corridor for every height?

Ground level corridors could be wider, that shouldn't be an issue.  My vote is
for an interior width of 8-12 studs. But I object to any connections above the
current height on the following grounds:

1) building connections higher distracts from anything below it, having the
effect of "drowning out" smaller modules.

2) More brick intensive, therefore bordering on excluding those with smaller

3) Math is hard.  Let's make cookies for the boys.

4) exponentially more difficult to coordinate, especially if the connectors are
built fixed into into a module ( and aren't on all four sides).

5) Aesthetically, this could lead to modules becoming "boxier" as they go higher
to accomodate commections on more levels.

But,to not be like every other "enthusiast" who seems to be be delurk-n-attack
mode, I offer the following suggestions:

1) Layouts should be no more than 2 modules deep, maybe 3 where super modules
are involved, viewable from both sides. As noticed in previous layouts, people's
work can get lost in the middle. If needed, spurs or t-branches could extend the
layout in another direction.  But the big square is going to swallow some
modules as we grow.  Plus, it's hard to level tables in the middle of a layout.

2) I like the idea of ground corridors - not only for connections, but for
openings into the general moonscape.

3) You rock, Jon. Thanks for your efforts.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Moonbase corridor ideas
(...) Exactly! r06 (20 years ago, 27-Apr-05, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Moonbase corridor ideas
(...) I'll have to disagree. Also, this has been part of the standard for some time. But I do feel for the short modules. I think it's just a matter of placing the shorties in a good spot. (...) Well, they can still just build at the normal height. (...) (20 years ago, 28-Apr-05, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Moonbase corridor ideas
While building a new demo-module for the Moonbase page I started thinking about ground level module corridors. I wrote a big post about it in my blog. Check it out and tell me what you think: (URL) [ j o n :: p a l m e r ] lego weblog | creations (...) (20 years ago, 26-Apr-05, to, lugnet.general) ! 

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