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Re: New MOC: RedTail air-racer
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 22:27:53 GMT
2091 times
   I was wondering how you got the shape of the wings and now I can see. That’s some wonderfully clever geometry. Did it take a lot of iterations to come up with that design, or was it fairly straightforward?

Thanks for thinking it is cleaver, but really it is just simple geometry. When I get an idea for a model I always work it out on paper first. In this case I knew the general proportions (length vs. width) of the wing and using plate thickness as a measuring unit figured out the length of each section, the thickness, and the points where I can anchor the slopping parts. As for iterations, in this case I built a really quick prototype of the wing just to make sure everything fit, looked right, and to work out the landing gear geometry.

   Am I correct in thinking that on the far right of that picture (toward the front of the wing, in the center) that the 1x1’s with the eyelets are joined together with bars? It appears that way, at least from the pic and that would seem to be an excellent way to keep the top and bottom half of the wing closed at the leading edge.

Yup, that is exactly what I did. All of the sloping portions (the wings, the engines, and the tail) are all anchored in a similar fashion.

Thanks for sharing this great model with us.

Thank you for your nice comments!


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  Re: New MOC: RedTail air-racer
(...) I would say you achieved that in a superb way. At least the retro thing is the first thought I when I looked at it. I like the fact that it looks tough. It looks like it could take some punishment during a long hard flight. (...) In this case (...) (20 years ago, 25-Mar-05, to, FTX)

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