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Re: The Third Column
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 04:08:27 GMT
1166 times
In, Kyle Vrieze wrote:
   In, Joseph Sibilia-Young wrote:

A corvette.


Cool! I agree with Will about the spine being a real highlight (though I don’t mind the pipe wrench).

   I also have to agree with him about the plain-ness of the plated engine section. Some of my past MOCs have had too many blank plated areas, so if you come up with a good solution, post some pics so I can steal it 8^)

I shall.
   Overall, a very enjoyable MOC. From the engine room forward, it looks like something Mladen might have done. Needs some missles, though!

Man! I used your missle design and you couldn’t see it? This baby’s got 23 right below the railguns.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Third Column
In, Joseph Sibilia-Young wrote: snip (...) D'oh! In fact I did notice my missile design in that pic, but the color scheme and location led me to believe you had taken it in a different direction, like a com-array surface greeb. I stand (...) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Third Column
(...) Cool! I agree with Will about the spine being a real highlight (though I don't mind the pipe wrench). I also have to agree with him about the plain-ness of the plated engine section. Some of my past MOCs have had too many blank plated areas, (...) (21 years ago, 1-Sep-04, to, FTX)

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