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Re: Civilian MOC Contest : Tow Truck
Mon, 17 May 2004 18:39:35 GMT
1251 times
In, Jean-Pascal Rignault wrote:
   Hi all,

With all these new hover cars hovering around, one may say there is room for a tow truck (are you really sure your car is reliable?).

Post moderation :

JP, this is awesome! It’s big and meaty and powerful, but has just a touch of cartoonyness (is that a word?) to it. Really sweet using the Bionicle bits for the tail end. And that windshield configuration!

Gives me warm fuzzies. :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Civilian MOC Contest : Tow Truck
(...) Thanks Chris! I am happy you find it cartoonish : I like when MOCs have a caricatural style, just like the minifigs we use in it. Cheers, JP. (21 years ago, 18-May-04, to, FTX)

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  Civilian MOC Contest : Tow Truck
Hi all, With all these new hover cars hovering around, one may say there is room for a tow truck (are you really sure your car is reliable?). (URL) Post moderation : (URL) PLMKWYT! Cheers, JP. (21 years ago, 17-May-04, to, FTX)

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