Re: Technic Scale Civilian Space MOC Entry
Fri, 14 May 2004 17:04:30 GMT
1474 times
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In, Elroy Davis wrote:
Lego is funny that way, I know exactly what you mean.
The design is pretty simple. A couple of small jets on the bottom provide
lift, while propulsion is provided by the large rear rocket. Multiple color
patterns can be made by swapping out the wedge pieces.
Its quite SeaDoo or SkiDoo-esque. Im starting to notice
a theme here.
Comments appreciated, although my daughter has already paid me the highest
compliment. Yesterday morning, from the direction of my Lego room, I hear
COOL!! Whooooosh..... Zooooooom...... Whishhhhhh...... Poking my head
in the door, I find my 8 year-old running around the room swooshing the PRS
all around. Makes a father proud. :-)
Well, it doesnt get any better than that. Well done, Elroy.
Peace and pride,
Professor Whateverly
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Technic Scale Civilian Space MOC Entry
| (URL) Model pictures available at (URL). An entry for the Civilian Space Contest I'm not much of a Technic builder, so I'm not sure how I ended up building at this scale (I actually sat down to build a minifig scale Winnebago). The design is pretty (...) (21 years ago, 14-May-04, to, FTX)
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