Brian Darrow wrote:
> In lugnet.org.us.indylug, Steven Lane wrote:
> > I think a Blacktron Intelligence agency building should be a completely black
> > cube like office building. All the window's being mirrored smoked glass. A bit
> > like the 2001 obelisk.
Actually, Brian did build such a building as you imagine. The building you see
posted is just an elaborate ruse. The actually HQ is in a secret, undisclosed
location. Brian doesn't mention it because he doesn't want to be one of those
architects who can no longer tell their tales...
BTW, it rocks, Brian! I love the covered missle launchers. Did you make the
numbered decals? And the unrecognizable thingies on top of the tower: it's that
it's not clear what those transparent bars are for that makes them so cool!
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