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Re: New Ship - Teaser
Sat, 14 Jun 2003 17:17:01 GMT
705 times
In, Mark Sandlin wrote:
If you’re using Photoshop, might I suggest that you check out the “Levels” command? You can use it to brighten up photos without washing them out. Here is an example I showed Chris the other day:

Tinkering with levels can be really usefull. Here’s a for example. The image wasn’t very good, but anyway:


With the right arrow on Levels moved up and the middle arrow tweaked down slightly:

Set brush to white and edit out the rest.

Simple as that.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Ship - Teaser
(...) That is really awesome, Paul. Excellent SNOT. If you're using Photoshop, might I suggest that you check out the "Levels" command? You can use it to brighten up photos without washing them out. Here is an example I showed Chris the other day: (...) (22 years ago, 13-Jun-03, to, FTX)

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