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Re: Glencaer's LEGO Blocks
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 00:18:30 GMT
73 times
Looks cool!  If I had any critisisms, it would be that the frame is not
needed, 'cuase it causes that big fat ugly scrollbar.  I think it would look
better if you just intergrated the title and menu with the rest of the page.

I see you live in Tallahassee.  I'm around Jacksonville.  You're the closest
.spacer to me!  :)


In lugnet.castle, Leonard Hoffman writes:
--please ignore earlier post, in my excitement i made a small error--

Introducing my first website! Entirely hand-done html, it features most of my
creations and stories.

Please, feedback would be great on both layout and content.
thanks so much!

Message is in Reply To:
  Glencaer's LEGO Blocks
--please ignore earlier post, in my excitement i made a small error-- Introducing my first website! Entirely hand-done html, it features most of my creations and stories. (URL) feedback would be great on both layout and content. thanks so much! (...) (22 years ago, 14-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.general)

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