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Re: Zenith MOC
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 04:10:28 GMT
546 times
The part that I built the entire creation around was the canopy which was
inspired by...

which I liked, but thought looked too slow, plus I hated how the white on
the canopy is on the forward part masking the pilots vision.

after I sketched the thing out on paper, it just sorta took shape in my


"Gil Shaw" <> wrote in message
Sporty lines on this one Travis.  I think the SW Imperial shuttle canopy • has
found some new life recently...

Always a fan of the backwards, splayed rocket cones...just makes it look
that little bit more spacey.

Good stuff.


In, Travis Kunce writes:
Kane Starcrafters is pleased to announce its first luxury sports • starcraft,
the Zenith.  Designed with speed in mind, the Zenith features dual rear
offset thrusters and dual antigravity units in the front.  The ample
cockpit, designed for maximum comfort and space is filled with the latest
communications and navigation systems, and is easily accessisble through • the
hydraulic canopy.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Zenith MOC
Sporty lines on this one Travis. I think the SW Imperial shuttle canopy has found some new life recently... Always a fan of the backwards, splayed rocket cones...just makes it look that little bit more spacey. Good stuff. Cheers, -G (...) (22 years ago, 25-Feb-03, to

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