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Re: An Ugly MOC
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 02:38:37 GMT
605 times
Lenny -
Don't be so down on yourself... we all have our off times. For what it's
worth, I think it's a great attempt. I like how you tried to break up the
box shape by using the sloped braces. While it probably didn't pan out the
way you wanted, that shows some thought into the design.

I don't have any real suggestions for improvement, cause I haven't built a
spaceship in a long time ... and plus, my exteriors suck! :-)

I do have an itch to build a ship again... but this time will be with LOTS
of Technic beams (exposed centerbeam structure) and a totally modular,
pre-planned design. It will be a while before I'm able to get the parts,
though, or the time for that matter.


In, Leonard Hoffman writes:

==> feel free to try out all your meanest comments because i already know
this one bites it.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: An Ugly MOC
(...) why thanks tim. i feel like building it taught me alot. which is what is important.. there were several things i was trying (the red stripe, the inward slope walls, the detailed interior) that i think came out better than i expected. which is (...) (22 years ago, 26-Feb-03, to

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  An Ugly MOC
now (URL) "Duvernay" is an Akins Class Research Starship, customized for orbital anthropological research. The scientists of the Duvernay specialize in 'feral humans.' Feral humans were apart of the original exodus into space and crashed on (...) (22 years ago, 26-Feb-03, to, lugnet.announce.moc)

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