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The Lowdown on 2003 @ WAL* MART
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 04:00:47 GMT
43 times
Ok here is the deal;

When at work today (WAL* MART) I scanned through all the LEGO merchandise on
our inventory computer. Here are the prices and quanity you should expect.
This may be old news, but I figured I would share it anyway.

I should also say that these prices are coming from my store in Kansas, the
prices may vary slighty in different regions of the US, but not likely.

T-16 Skyhopper----->Retail: $15.73 Quantity: Approximately 6-12

Geonosian Fighter--->Retail: $19.83 Quantity: Approximately 4-8

Tie Bomber--------->Retail: $29.77 Quantity: Approximately 3-6

Jabba's Palace------>Retail: $29.77 Quantity: Approximately 3-6

Jabba's Message---->Retail: $ 6.82 Quantity: Approximately 8-16

Jabba's Prize------->Retail: $ 6.82 Quantity: Approximately 3-6

MINI Line---------->Retail: $ 3.84 Quantity: Approximately 25-50
(all the mini models are the same price)

Few more things, I could not for the life of me find the walker from Ep 2,
can't remember the name but it one of those AT's. It was not listed in our
system at all. I sure hope we get some though!

Keep your eyes open at your local WAL* MART, the new stuff isn't suppose to
go out until January, but I have read over at
that alot of people are stumbling onto the new stuff already.

Finally I would like to mention that when you go WAL* MART to check for the
new 2003 line, be sure to check the clearance too. All the USC Yoda statues
are marked down to $50! That at wholesale price!

Ok that's it. That's all I know!

Tony Knaak

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Lowdown on 2003 @ WAL* MART
Tony, it's a bad idea to leak this stuff. Sure it may be old news . But your computer at work is not a public information system. You don't want to be made into an example for treating it like one. See (URL) what happened with Target in 2001. (...) (22 years ago, 14-Dec-02, to lugnet.starwars,
  Re: 1/2 off at T R Us
fyi toys r us has a 1/2 off sale buy a set and get 1/2 off another set of lesser value or equal i got a geonosian fighter for $10 :-) (and i bought the santa fe chief as the primary purchase) -paul (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.starwars,

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