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Re: MOCs: the Michael Greene and the Skyshark II
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 00:20:45 GMT
642 times
"Tony Hafner" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.announce.moc, Anthony Babington writes: • 01.jpg
the Michael Greene is a standard Tug found in Staryards around the • galaxy.
the Skyshark II is one of the more unique Ground-Effect racers involved • in
the high-speed, high-adrenaline sport of Super-G.

Nice job on both of these.  The engine on the racer is cool, and the • inside
mounting works well.  But I particularly like the tug.  It's always
interesting to see how people do industrial vehicles.

thanks. the tug has been sitting around for a while, but I never got around
to taking pictures of it. and the racer started with the engine. I wanted to
make a model of the GeeBee, but after some fiddling, I ended up with the
engine you see there, and the whole thing just sprouted from that.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOCs: the Michael Greene and the Skyshark II
(...) Nice job on both of these. The engine on the racer is cool, and the inside mounting works well. But I particularly like the tug. It's always interesting to see how people do industrial vehicles. -- Tony Hafner (22 years ago, 5-Nov-02, to

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