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Re: I'm back with Pod(s)!
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 20:31:05 GMT
536 times
In, Jonathan Mizner writes:
In, Chris Maddison writes: (after moderation)

Dang man.  Dang!  The color..perfect symmetry...  I especially like the fact
that both pilot pods work very well as a normal pod.  The use of 1x2
handlebar tiles is very nice, especially the landing gear.  I've never seen
someone make horizontal cockpits like that before, but it works out very
nicely.  You've built an extremely nice MOC.  I need to go make some...  The
complexity/functionality of that is incredible..  Awesome job man!

Thanks Jonathan.  I wanted to do something multi-part, with each part
looking good independantly.  So I built the pods first, and the bomb
magazine after the fact.  Then it was just a matter of getting them to look
good together.

And, technically, the cockpits aren't horizontal.  That's one thing I wanted
to show in this craft - there is no up or down in space.  Landings are a
different matter tho - unstrapping and falling out is the quickest way out
of this pod. :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I'm back with Pod(s)!
(...) Dang man. Dang! The color..perfect symmetry... I especially like the fact that both pilot pods work very well as a normal pod. The use of 1x2 handlebar tiles is very nice, especially the landing gear. I've never seen someone make horizontal (...) (22 years ago, 8-Oct-02, to

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