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Re: The Shpleem's Home
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:51:14 GMT
572 times
Nice Module you built there, I can't wait to see more of it :).


In lugnet.announce.moc, Jon Palmer writes:
Long ago, a mighty rocket was launched.  It voyaged through the stars,
exploring strange worlds.  But one day while returning to earth, something
went wrong.  The great rocket fell to the moon and crashed, lodging itself
in the dusty surface like a massive lawn dart.

Years later, the moonbase grew up around it, yet the rocket remained
untouched.  A ruin from long ago.

The Shpleem, trillionaire playboy, grew tired of his constant touring and
traipsing about.  He longed for a home in the moonbase to call his own.  One
day it came to him.  He would claim the ancient rocket and remodel it into
his luxury villa.

The interior of the rocket was removed and filled in with more Shpleem-ish
accomodations.  Namely a large TV and chair and a personal monorail
terminal.  The Shpleem felt that this new home was worthy.  He moved in.  He
then declared himself "Moonbase Mayor".  (The Shpleem is completely insane)

This is about 90% done but I had to get a sneak peak up.

PTMWYT (so far)

-Jon (why yes, this *will* be going in the overhead compartment on the plane
to Seattle)
| The Shipyard -
| My Lego Creations -

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Shpleem's Home
"Jamie Neufeld" <> wrote in message (...) High praise from one of the module-masters. :-) Thanks! -Jon -- | The Shipyard - (URL) My Lego Creations - (URL) (22 years ago, 25-Sep-02, to

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  The Shpleem's Home
Long ago, a mighty rocket was launched. It voyaged through the stars, exploring strange worlds. But one day while returning to earth, something went wrong. The great rocket fell to the moon and crashed, lodging itself in the dusty surface like a (...) (22 years ago, 25-Sep-02, to lugnet.announce.moc, ! 

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