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Re: Pics of some of my MOCs
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 02:03:03 GMT
468 times
Thanks Paul, I wasn't confident that anyone would be able to see enough to
comment on. Mostly, I just wanted to get something new on my Brickshelf page
to show others that I actually do build stuff.

I'll probably take you up on your offer.  I have a procrastination problem,
so it may be awhile.

In, Paul Hartzog writes:
I like your MOCs
nice colors, nice shapes, nice greeblies

feel free to email me if u want any help
w/ your website (i have a website engine
u can use)

check out to see
it in action


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pics of some of my MOCs
(...) Hahahaha, YOU have a procrastination problem! (The Myase was built for almost 6 months before I got around to making the site/taking the pics/posting it (!!)) :-D Seriously though, php using Paul's Argiope is way cool. --Kyle (URL) (...) (23 years ago, 22-Mar-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pics of some of my MOCs
Kirby, I like your MOCs nice colors, nice shapes, nice greeblies feel free to email me if u want any help w/ your website (i have a website engine u can use) check out (URL) to see it in action -paul (23 years ago, 21-Mar-02, to

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