Re: Building My First Movie Lego Ship.
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 02:20:21 GMT
563 times
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In article <>, "Derek" <> wrote:
> Hi all I am looking to build a lego ship but I wouldnt know how many lego
> peices to get here is the desmetions.
> 5 foot long 2 foot wide and 2 foot tall.
> it will have sections living quarters for its ocipents. and then a big unit
> JUSt for the cockpit and an engine.
> any ideas riuffly on how much that will cost me ???
> any help would be aprhistated , thank you
> Derek
I have several questions to ask before I can answer that question: Do
you mean 2 feet tall INCLUDING the superstructure, or 2 feet tall along
the main hull line?
Do you intend to build it with brick walls, or the frame/panel method?
If you're using the brick wall method, I'd recommend purchasing as many
1x4 bricks as possible in the color scheme that you desire. Also, I'd
recommend choosing an economically sensible color scheme. For example,
an entirely dark grey craft IS not economically sensible, 'cause those
pieces are difficult to find in large quantities. As such, they're much
more expensive than black, white, light grey, and other common colors.
According to my calculations, a stud is equivalent to 10.962 CM. Your
ship would be 1846.15 CM, so your length in studs will be 168.414 studs.
Use the formula (number of pieces needed n) equals twice the stud length
l of the ship multiplied by the brick height h of the ship and divided
by the length of the pieces to be used x to find the number of pieces
you need to order. In algebraic form, n=(2hl)/x.
Let's say you're going to make this ship 12 brick high ship with 4x1
bricks, plug it into the formula.
You need at LEAST 1011 4x1 bricks to complete the ship at a height of 12
At 6¢ a piece, it'll set you back $60.66 just for the hull. Now you'll
want to buy plates I'll presume. If you can find them at the store, and
you use 48x48 baseplates, you'll have to buy 6 (3 for the top and 3 for
the bottom) of these and take up the other 26 studs (presuming a length
of 170) with other plates. At $5 a pop, that's $30 more. Now you'll want
to buy additional pieces for weapons systems, the engines, plates, and
pieces for the superstructure. Judging from experience, that'll set ya'
back at least $40 bucks.
Just to complete the basic structure, you need to spend $91, and since
you'll want to buy pieces for extra features, it comes up to a sum of
$131, at a minimum.
Of course, since you probably have a fair stash of Lego, add up the
total length in studs that your current pieces will take up (t) and plug
it into n=(2hl - t)/x
Hope I helped ya', later.
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | Building My First Movie Lego Ship.
| Hi all I am looking to build a lego ship but I wouldnt know how many lego peices to get here is the desmetions. 5 foot long 2 foot wide and 2 foot tall. it will have sections living quarters for its ocipents. and then a big unit JUSt for the cockpit (...) (23 years ago, 13-Mar-02, to
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