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Re: War Of The Worlds MOCs
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 00:07:47 GMT
580 times
In article <>, "Wes Prewer" <>

I got bored of making things that can be built in real life, I
made that! So there!

All righty then.

And If I re-did the model, I would make it so it CAN be buildable.

and Mark, don't be so critisizing! hurts ppls feelings :(
Just kidding Mark.

There was absolutely no criticism in my post. Read it again.

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: War Of The Worlds MOCs
(...) The way you phrased it ("what's the point") could easily be interpreted as criticism, even though you were just asking for an explanation of what he had in mind. But people are likely to be feeling very vulnerable when they put their creations (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: War Of The Worlds MOCs
(...) I got bored of making things that can be built in real life, I made that! So there! And If I re-did the model, I would make it so it CAN be buildable. and Mark, don't be so critisizing! hurts ppls feelings :( Just kidding Mark. (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to

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