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 Robotics / Spybotics / 259
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Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 13:00:02 GMT
6073 times
John Hansen wrote:
In lugnet.robotics.spybotics, Brian B. Alano wrote:
The current version of my spy.nqh file has


  #define SerialChannel() @(0x210012)
  __nolist void SetSerialChannel(const int &c) { Set(SerialChannel(), c); }

My understanding is that there are multiple IR emitters (which is how a Spybot
can tell the orientation of another Spybot).  My guess is front left, front
right, and back are either not implemented in the firmware or we don't know the
correct numbers to use yet.
Yes, there are multiple IR emitters. Two in front at nearly 90 degree angles, one
in back, and a high-power one pointing up. Turns out my camera was only picking
up the high-power emitter.

I tried again with a different camera (the Vision Command). I looped through
values 0 to 255. It looks like SerialChannel() is looking at the lower 3 bits.
Every time the value of the last three was 0x1, the laser LED was used by itself.
In *all* other cases, all four IR emitters were used. Nor could I see a
difference in power output between 0x0 and 0x2 through 0x7. (Though I'm guessing
now that "HIGH POWER" was meant to refer to using the high power IR emitter, not
to putting more current through the emitters in general.)

Shall I post updates here as I go along or do you think it
would be better to wait until I think I'm mostly through?  I'm inclined to think
the more eyes that see the code sooner the better.  But it might get confusing
to have too many iterations posted here.
I'm leaning toward the former, but put a version number in there. Or perhaps put
the updates on Bricxcc's sourceforge download page, and just post an announcement
here. That would keep the noise down for folks who aren't interested.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion
(...) I think these emitters are different wavelength, 940nm for the pointing up one, 880nm for the others. 940nm radiation is very close to red wavelength range and is easily seen by cameras CCD, even though they generally include an IR filter to (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion
(...) This portion of the Spybot NQC API is under substantial revision... :-) I based the constants on those found in Spybot.h which are apparently just plain wrong. The current version of my spy.nqh file has #define SERIAL_CHANNEL_HIGH_POWER 0 (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

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