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 Robotics / Spybotics / 256
    Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Brian B. Alano
   John, I noticed the SetTxDirection() function in your mana_control.nqc program. I thought it might be useful for my project, so it became my next subject of study. The spy.nqh shows this: #define TX_DIRECTION_FRONT_LEFT 0 #define (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
        Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Brian B. Alano
     I forgot to mention that the mana (set to channel 3) didn't respond to the laser LED's command message. Is this because the mana isn't sensitive to visible red or because the signal is somehow encoded differently when it comes out the laser? (or (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
         Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —John Hansen
     (...) My understanding (which may well be incorrect) is that the Manas unit only responds to IR. Sending an RC message using the PC channel is probably not terribly useful since (as far as I am aware) there aren't any devices that use RC messages (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
         Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Philippe Hurbain
     (...) Yes, there is a visible light cut-off filter built in remote command receiver. Philo (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
        Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —John Hansen
   (...) This portion of the Spybot NQC API is under substantial revision... :-) I based the constants on those found in Spybot.h which are apparently just plain wrong. The current version of my spy.nqh file has #define SERIAL_CHANNEL_HIGH_POWER 0 (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
        Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Brian B. Alano
      (...) Yes, there are multiple IR emitters. Two in front at nearly 90 degree angles, one in back, and a high-power one pointing up. Turns out my camera was only picking up the high-power emitter. I tried again with a different camera (the Vision (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
         Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Philippe Hurbain
     (...) I think these emitters are different wavelength, 940nm for the pointing up one, 880nm for the others. 940nm radiation is very close to red wavelength range and is easily seen by cameras CCD, even though they generally include an IR filter to (...) (21 years ago, 7-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
         IR leds, was Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Philippe Hurbain
     ... Just reading an old post and saw my mistake: of course 880 nm is closer to red (650nm) than 940nm !!! Here is the correct text I should have sent : "I think these emitters are different wavelength, 880nm for the pointing up one, 940nm for the (...) (21 years ago, 14-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
        Re: Spybot studies: SetTxDirection() confusion —Brian B. Alano
   (...) How *does* the Spybot know the orientation (the ROM SDK calls it "aspect") of another Spybot? My (casual) observations indicate that all three emitters are on simultaneously and synchronously. How does the observing Spybot identify which one (...) (21 years ago, 8-Nov-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

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