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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 3907
3906  |  3908
Re: position calculating for robots
Thu, 2 Jun 2005 01:22:07 GMT
8091 times

An alternative would be to build the robot differently - make one motor do the
forward and backward motion and the other do the spinning, with differential
gears adding and subtracting the two motor movements for each wheel.  Combining
the two motor movements will do a turn, the radius varying with the speed of the
two motors.
There are various geometries have been implemented in Lego bricks for this. Here
is one example:
Try searching Google for "Lego adder subtractor" for others.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: position calculating for robots
(...) From something I read 12 years ago for my university project (a Lego robot of course, but pre-RCX), I think it required differential equations (ugh!). Probably a bit too memory-hungry for an RCX. Perhaps you could use the PC's computing power (...) (20 years ago, 26-May-05, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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