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LCD image editor for the NXT -- at LEGO
lugnet.robotics.nxt, lugnet.robotics
Sat, 21 Oct 2006 04:39:10 GMT
15530 times
I just found out about this website, a partnership between LEGO and Tufts University’s Center for Engineering Educational Outreach:

Of special interest is their LCD image editor application for the NXT (Windows only), found here:

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: LCD image editor for the NXT -- at LEGO
(...) nxtRICEdit is a utility written by Andreas Dreier. The lego engineering site does not make this clear. Andreas is working on an enhanced version of this editor to add support for some of the more advanced features of the RIC format. Some form (...) (18 years ago, 21-Oct-06, to lugnet.robotics.nxt, FTX)
  Re: LCD image editor for the NXT -- at LEGO
(...) Just to give credit where credit is due.... The LCD editor was contributed to the site by one of the MDPs. It was passed on to us by LEGO Ed so we are missing the original author. But we will definitely find the original author to give proper (...) (18 years ago, 21-Oct-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: LCD image editor for the NXT -- at LEGO
(...) Hmmm. Just created a simple image and uploaded it using the NXT explorer, but when I try to display it, nothing displays and syscall returns -122. Same program displays faceopen.ric ok, but curiously syscall returns -3 for that, even though (...) (18 years ago, 21-Oct-06, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)

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