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 Robotics / Handy Board / 180
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Re: Resets
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 14:36:18 GMT
John S Seng <jseng@[AntiSpam]>
2338 times
Actually, when I first tried the new motors, I was able to use them for a
while.  It wasn't until I went to download a different program that it
started happening.  That's what's confusing me.  Is it possible that the
L293D is burned or something like that?  I've measured the battery and it
always is >8.2V.

I found out that the charge light wasn't coming on because I was using a
different AC adapter that had a lower voltage than the battery.

On Sun, 17 Mar 1996, Fred G. Martin wrote:

Is it possible that your battery is simply discharged? Does the board
exhibit the problem when you try driving the previous motors that did
not give you a problem?

Regarding the charge light on the serial board, are you sure that the
charge rate switch is in Normal mode? Th e charge LED never lights in
Zap mode.


This message was composed using Articulate Systems' PowerSecretary,
a Macintosh-based speech-to-text dictation system.
Please forgive any sloppiness in the formatting. Thanks. -Fred

In your message you said:

Hi.  My board was working fine until I hooked up some different motors to
it today.  It seems that whenever I try to drive the motors the low
battery light lights up and the board gets reset.  I checked the battery
and it reads 8.4V before and while the motors are running.  Also, when I
plug the board into the serial board, the charge light on the serial
board doesn't light up anymore.  Any ideas?  Maybe a solder came loose
somewhere.  TIA.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Resets
(...) Well that would do it---it would discharge your battery. You actually should be getting more like 9.6 to 10v from a fully charged battery. Why don't you get an adatper that works and charge your battery until it's slightly warm and then see if (...) (29 years ago, 18-Mar-96, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Resets
Is it possible that your battery is simply discharged? Does the board exhibit the problem when you try driving the previous motors that did not give you a problem? Regarding the charge light on the serial board, are you sure that the charge rate (...) (29 years ago, 18-Mar-96, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

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