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RE: Balancing Bots
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 01:19:06 GMT
1026 times

Off-topic, I know, but ....

I believe that the equations that you provided, although for a frictionless
inverted pendulum, are nonlinear.  You can linearize these equations about
some reference point and convert them to state-space form, which I concur is
more desirable for controller design and analysis.  I'm not sure why a fuzzy
logic approach is needed here, particularly since this is a fairly common
problem for optimal control and a number of solutions already exist, are
easily implemented, and are not computationally intensive.  By their nature,
these optimal solutions can deal with the uncertainties associated with the
nonlinearities (to a degree).

My $0.02 ...


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Jacob Schultz
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2000 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Balancing Bots

Andy Gombos wrote:

Not if you scale it up(alot).The higher the gear ratio, the • higher the virtual
I hope I said that right, it sorta doesn't sound right.. If • this is wrong the
plaese correct me.

Of course you are right, but there are some problems:
It depends on the quality of the gearing. The problem here is backlash -
it doesn't help much to have 1/10 deg. resolution if you have 5 deg.
backlash in the gearing. Another problem is friction. If you do calculus
on inverted pendulums you will soon find out, that you end up with
unlinear differential equations if the friction is "dry" (don't know the
correct English word).  Unlinearity is a bad thing, but fuzzy logic can
help a bit here.

By the way, the equations for a car mounted with a homogenous inverted
pendulum are:

       4mL*sin(q)*q'^2 - 3mg*sin(q)*cos(q) + 4u
p'' = ------------------------------------------
                4(M+m) - 3m*cos(q)^2

       3g(M+m)*sin(q) - 3mL*sin(q)*cos(q)*q'^2 - 3*cos(q)*u
q'' = ------------------------------------------------------
                     L(4(M+m) -3m*cos(q)^2)

p is the cars position
q is the angle of the pendulum (0 is vertical)
m is the mass of the pendulum
L is half the length of the pendulum
g is the gravety (9.81 m/s^2)
M is the mass of the car
u is the force on the car

The force u can generaly be derived from the torque of a motor. This
implies a model of a motor.
The equations above can be changed into a state-space model, and the
optimal linear controller can be designed.

Just in case someone is interested

/* Please notice another e-mail address change:  Letters must be sent to
eighter (both of us), gandalf@superbruger (jacob)
or galadriel@superbruger (anne). The addresses will not work
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Balancing Bots
(...) Of course you are right, but there are some problems: It depends on the quality of the gearing. The problem here is backlash - it doesn't help much to have 1/10 deg. resolution if you have 5 deg. backlash in the gearing. Another problem is (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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