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 Robotics / 4412
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Re: Angle Sensor
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:33:44 GMT
1334 times
Michel Verhagen wrote in message <000e01be788c$3c95fe10$c801a9c0@p200mmx>...
Well, then I guess I need to build my own rotation sensor using a
It is kind of crude for your application, but there are plans for building a
homebrew LEGO rotation sensor off my web page.  There is also a pretty good
explanation of how the LEGO rotation sensor works as well.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Angle Sensor
Well, then I guess I need to build my own rotation sensor using a "Potmeter" (variable resistor) because I need a real angle, actually I need an angle per time value. Is this is possible? I saw something about this on a website in the mindstorms (...) (26 years ago, 27-Mar-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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