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Re: NXT memory limits
Thu, 4 May 2006 14:27:07 GMT
2673 times
In lugnet.robotics, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
Now that the NDA has been lifted, can anyone confirm how much memory is
available on the NXT?
Also, can anyone confirm what CPU they are using (i.e. what flavor of ARM
chip etc?)

The documentation on the LEGO website is a good source:

The chip is the Atmel AT91SAM7S256

Hope this helps,

John Hansen

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: NXT memory limits
(...) I would add, for completeness sake, that there is also an ATMEGA48 in the NXT too. There are two main reasons for this. 1. The legacy sensor interface requires 5v ADC for the analog inputs. 2. The motor PWM needs some outboard help. The ATMEGA (...) (19 years ago, 5-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: NXT memory limits
(...) ROSCO (19 years ago, 5-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  NXT memory limits
Now that the NDA has been lifted, can anyone confirm how much memory is available on the NXT? Also, can anyone confirm what CPU they are using (i.e. what flavor of ARM chip etc?) (19 years ago, 4-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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