Re: Alternate connectors
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 22:47:25 GMT
1217 times
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You even do not need to cut your existing LEGO wires
very cost effective too
In lugnet.robotics, Rob Antonishen wrote:
I am trying to find a suitable connector that will let me cut up and extend
the regular mindstorm wires, as well as to connect to custom built sensors.
I have seen that some people have used
Molex connectors
but I cant seem to find these at my local electrical place....
Ideally, the connector would be a hydrid socket/plug, like the 2 conductor
version of an automotive cable like this:
(sorry, cant find a pic of the 2 conductor version) but with a smaller wire
guage. The big advantage to that is there is only one need to
buy separate plugs and sockets.
The ide here is I could cut all my existing jumpers, and put one of these
connectors on it, then just make up extension cords whatever length I need.
Additionally, I could make my own sensors that just had this connector,
rather than the lego standard.
Any suggestion, pointer, or ideas??
-Rob A>
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Alternate connectors
| I am trying to find a suitable connector that will let me cut up and extend the regular mindstorm wires, as well as to connect to custom built sensors. I have seen that some people have used (URL) Molex connectors> (URL) but I can't seem to find (...) (20 years ago, 30-Mar-05, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
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