Re: Switching Direction
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 02:26:33 GMT
scott davis <>
785 times
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven lane" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: Switching Direction
> I have a motor which drives a rack mechanism and I'm using a rotation sensor to
> index my position on the rack.
> When I program the motor (in NQC) to go forward I want the sensor to count up.
> If the sensor then actually goes down I want to test for this condition and
> correct it in software. This way I can index one end of the rack as 0 and the
> other as whatever. Either the motor or the sensor could be the wrong way round.
> To keep things simple I only want to switch the sensor connection not the motor
> connection.
> To do this I need to be able to flip the direction "forward" in the code, so if
> the motor and sensor directions conflict I can correct this in software.
> I tried to do this with a macro, but the compiler requires I use a constant and
> not a variable. But as the test is done within the program I have to use a
> variable.
> So basically I'm looking for a replacement for OnFwd();
> Steve
Is there a way to get the absolute value of the rotation sensor count?
or you could do
until (x==where_ever_you_want_to_go)
if (rotationcount<0)
{ x=rotationcount*-1;
Hope this helps
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Switching Direction
| I have a motor which drives a rack mechanism and I'm using a rotation sensor to index my position on the rack. When I program the motor (in NQC) to go forward I want the sensor to count up. If the sensor then actually goes down I want to test for (...) (22 years ago, 18-Jun-03, to lugnet.robotics)
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