Re: Received my RIS 2.0 - the two motors run at different speed! :-(((
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 18:53:45 GMT
1131 times
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First of all, let me say that I very much appreciate your deep insight and
your math formulas, which I have forgotten years ago. :)
After further testing and measuring, I found that the difference is much
larger - it actually deviates a good one meter for every three meter travelled.
That's why the deviation is very noticeable even when running it for just
half a meter. I'm no math buff, but if you say that the radius for a 1m-6m
triangle arc is 18 meters, then for 1m - 3m it should be a radius of 9
meters - correct me if I'm wrong, my geometry sucks but my gut feeling says
it's lower than 9 m since a 45 degree deviation gives a radius of 1 meter.
My robot is the basic rover from the training instructions, which is 13.5 cm
wide for the smaller wheels, and 17 cm wide for the larger wheels, so let's
average it to 15 cm.
So if I drove it in a full circle, back to the starting point, the inside
wheel travelled 2 x pi x 9, and the outside wheel, 2 x pi x 9.15.
But still, my original math was wrong so I see your point, but I'll do
further testing (using gears, not the robot) to know the exact percentage.
And I, too, much prefer the design of one motor used for the drive, and the
other for the steering...
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