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 Robotics / 19064
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Re: Some questions that relate to an idea I am thinking about
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:34:49 GMT
Mike Thorn <>
695 times
I think what you want is a 4-wheel-steering car; or better yet, a tricycle
- one motor for drive, one motor for steer. If you don't want to paint your
ceiling, stand the RCX up with the IR port to the sky and you're set.

4WS wouldn't be as easy and it wouldn't have as great a turning radius, but
it's a more interesting design, IMHO.


At 08:57 AM 9/19/02, you wrote:
I need some ideas on how to pull this off.
I want to make a robot that can go forwards, backwards as well as stear
left and right (perferably in as tight a turning circle as lego will let
you go, being able to "rotate" on the spot would be perfect)

I have 1 RIS 2.0 plus a bunch of other technic.

I also need to find a way (using just the parts from my 2.0, with any
firmware that will do it) to be able to send a signal to the RCX no matter
what position its in and tell it to go forwards, go backwards, turn left,
turn right plus 2 other commands that I want to keep secret.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Some questions that relate to an idea I am thinking about
(...) I've always wondered about the possibility of a non-steerable drive system powered by one motor output, with a large 'foot' that could descend from the center of the bot to lift the wheels/treads off the ground (pneumatics?) and a third output (...) (22 years ago, 19-Sep-02, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Some questions that relate to an idea I am thinking about
I need some ideas on how to pull this off. I want to make a robot that can go forwards, backwards as well as stear left and right (perferably in as tight a turning circle as lego will let you go, being able to "rotate" on the spot would be perfect) (...) (22 years ago, 19-Sep-02, to lugnet.robotics)

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