"Nickle, Steven (2511)" <Steven.Nickle@esavio.com> wrote in message
> Doing a search on stair climbing robots, I came accross this link:
> The basic chassis should be buildable with Legos.
> Could be reasonably quick.
> Any thoughts?
thinking about it.
does anyone have any mechanisms that i could work on that would completely
transfer drive from one output to another and then back completely
mechanically when the load hits fully? i don't think that i am saying this
say you have a drive axel, motor in one direction would give power to that
axel until the load limit is reached, then completely transfer power to
another wheel axel giving the first axel full slip (?) then when the load
mlimit is reached again transfer the drive back to the original axel. i
think that i am thinking of something like the type writer that someone
(hall of fame winner) came up with [was able to write across a piece of
paper, advance the paper, put dots down at a given distance, and return the
pen to it's original position with only one motor]
i'm still trying to analyse those pictures...
if this is confusing let me know.
mike "all done hallucinating" fusion
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Stair Climber 4x4
| Doing a search on stair climbing robots, I came accross this link: (URL) basic chassis should be buildable with Legos. Could be reasonably quick. Any thoughts? (23 years ago, 13-Mar-02, to lugnet.robotics)
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