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Re: wireless RF RCX communication?
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 02:13:33 GMT
796 times
In lugnet.robotics, Gareth Bestor writes:
I've been thinking about how I might replace the RCX's IR communication with
something that doesn't require line-of-sight, eg using RF. I'm not much of an
analog hardware guy so I thought I'd ask about the feasability of it first...

I'm considering replacing the IR tower with a serial RF transceiver connected
to the serial port of the PC, eg along the lines of (which uses the Handyboard instead of the
RCX). On the RCX I'd have a similar circuit but the serial in/out connected to
an IR LED and phototransistor directly in front of the RCX's IR window to
convert the serial RF signal into a serial IR signal for the RCX. Sound
reasonable? What sort of pitfalls should I look out for?


- Gareth

This sounds complicated.  I'm not sure if I'd want to go hacking into the
RCX, but if you have an idea and a good idea of how to make it work, more
power to you.  I'd just like to point out before you get started that the
infrared communication does not necessarily have to be line-of-sight.  If
you set both the tower and the RCX to high power, you can send and receive
transmissions from quite a distance.  I've had reliable success from
distances up to 30 feet, even around corners and in different rooms.


Message is in Reply To:
  wireless RF RCX communication?
I've been thinking about how I might replace the RCX's IR communication with something that doesn't require line-of-sight, eg using RF. I'm not much of an analog hardware guy so I thought I'd ask about the feasability of it first... I'm considering (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-02, to lugnet.robotics)

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