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Re: Version
Sun, 30 Dec 2001 16:11:06 GMT
Thomas Hoeg-Jensen & Helle Ulsteen <ludovica@iname.SPAMLESScom>
1026 times

The 2.0 MS software is probably more than just the firmware?
For people coding in NQC etc, firmware may be all that matters, but for those of
us who (also) use the Lego application,
a new version with new featueres may be worth it. I dont think that is in the
beta developer pack, right?
Can anyone explain what new features are included in the new Lego coding app?

- Thomas Hoeg-Jensen

I *doubt* that the upgrade kit includes the new USB tower - so probably you
are really only getting a handful of new parts and a CD-ROM that saves you
from downloading the new firmware.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Version
(...) AFAIK, RIS 2.0 has... * A few extra/different parts (but nothing significant I think). * New software (but you can download that from the Lego web site as the beta version). * The tower is a new design. It's interfaced via the USB port rather (...) (23 years ago, 30-Dec-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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