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Re: Lego-animated building instructions
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 13:13:10 GMT
Laurentino Martins <lau@*AvoidSpam*>
1544 times
At 20:06 19-12-1998 Saturday , you wrote:
Oh god! First Lego Mindstorm, then Cybermaster, now Robolab and The
Intelligent House as well!
   What I & Sam (son) saw in the shop was Lego-animated construction
instructions for building this hopping monster thing that jiggered about on
the counter, and you had an extendable poking weapon with which you had to
hit sensors. I wasn't very impressed with this as a game, but I was with the
software, which had excellent graphics for taking you round the `workshop'
and other areas, as well as the building instructions. I think (though not
sure) that this was Cybermaster.

Looking at your description, I'm 100% sure it was a CyberMaster.

      Andy Bower (15th Dec) reckoned that this was actually better than the
on-the-surface superior Mindstorm because the Mindstorm software was
basically good for not much. He also criticised the line-of-sight infra-red
connection, but isn't that used just for downloading the program? It doesn't
have to be in communication the whole time, does it?

Nope. MindStorms works pretty well without any assistance from the computer.
CyberMaster also, but you better you not have very BIG programs for it.

   I might as well come clean and say that I've already bought him
Mindstorm for Christmas, but am wondering if I did the right thing? Should I
exchange it, or get Cybermaster as well? Now, or some time in the future?
   Also, I thought that I would have some fun with Mindstorm as well, but
if it is as useless as A. Bower says....

MindStorms is what EVERYBODY would have bought the first place, IF it was sold at their countries!! You've done the right thing - trust us!
MindStorms is the BEST! :-)

A Merry Christmas to all the great guys out there that maintain this great list!!


Laurentino Martins


Message has 2 Replies:
  MindStorms/CM pros and cons. Was: Lego-animated building instructions
Graham/Laurentino, (...) the (...) infra-red (...) doesn't (...) computer. (...) Actually, what I was trying to imply is that both Cybermaster and Mindstorms have their good points. On the surface the CM seems more of a (small) kids toy than does (...) (26 years ago, 20-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: MindStorms/CM pros and cons. Was: Lego-animated building instructions
(...) I have, and I keep going over it over and over again. :-( The biggest NQCC Beta 4 compiled file (.RCX) you can download to a CyberMaster is... 420 bytes. And I really need to know the memory limit of the RCX. Anyone? Just paste a bunch of asm (...) (26 years ago, 20-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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