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 Robotics / 15394
    RE: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Ralph Hempel
   (...) No, just plug the IR tower into a serial port of a PC running Win2K with nothing but the desktop showing. The green LED comes on, but I'm not sure if the IR led is energizer or not... Cheers, Ralph (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
        Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Andy Gombos
     (...) Use a video camera to see if any IR is being produced, then you will know that it is damaging the LED's or not. How exactly are they damnaged anyway? They are supposed to last practically forever, right? Andy -- See my Visual Interface for (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
         Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Steve Baker
     (...) Maybe Lego are deliberately overdriving them in an attempt to get more range - in the sure and certain knowledge that they won't be left turned on for long enough to damage them? (Erm - well - theoretically that is). (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
        Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Dave Baum
   (...) I don't have any first hand exprience with this, although a few people have reported that when using NQC on Win2K the IR tower's green LED stays on. I went over the NQC serial code very thoroughly, and I'm confident NQC is closing the serial (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
        Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Lester Witter
   (...) <NERD-SPEAK> Because some people are seeing this and others not, the problem is might be some sort serial port configuration issue involving handshake lines. Which RS232 signal causes the LED to come on (if any)? What type of serial set-up (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
        Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —John Hansen
   (...) My W2K setup (which does NOT cause the IR tower LED to be continuously driven) has flow control set to none. My PC at work is a Dell Dimension XPS T600r. My PC at home is a e-Machines Celeron 600. Neither machine continuously drives the LED (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)
        Re: Win2K and IR Tower - WinME too? —Greg Frazier
   (...) My settings (which DOES cause theIR tower LED to be driven: Dell Dimension bps: 9600 data bits: 8 Parity: none Stop bits: 1 Flow ctl: none (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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