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 Robotics / *48288 (-10)
  MinuteBot Base
There is a great project for creating a technic/MINDSTORMS baseplate on Kickstarter that could be a great classroom or hobbydesk testbase as well as provide a sturdy base (or side) for many Robotics projects. Have a look at the (URL) Base website> (...) (13 years ago, 14-May-12, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)  
  Question about NXT rechargeable battery
I bought a rechargeable battery for my NXT and was very happy with it. However, I have ended up not using the NXT for some months and the rechargeable battery was left in the NXT. This weekend, I went to recharge the battery, it has been on the (...) (13 years ago, 14-May-12, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Raspberry Pi and Berry Box – The Transparent Case
(...) Initially (at least) the Pi comes without a case, so I expect it is just a matter of building around it so it doesn't rattle too much. I haven't received mine yet, but I'll take a moment to see how well a pure LEGO case can work. It feels a (...) (13 years ago, 13-Apr-12, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Raspberry Pi and Berry Box – The Transparent Case
Hi all. I don't know how many people around here have heard of the Raspberry Pi, but I saw that someone is working on a Lego compatible case for it. The Raspberry Pi is a computer on a chip that is really cheap. This would seem to be an inexpensive (...) (13 years ago, 12-Apr-12, to lugnet.robotics)
  WeDo Robotics Resource Set inventory
Can anyone help me get a copy of the inventory for the WeDo Robotics Resource Set 9585? Many thanks in advance. Jetro (13 years ago, 27-Mar-12, to
  Re: NXT and iPod touch
Hi all. Now it is possible to control the NXT from every Apple iOS device. (URL) (13 years ago, 29-Feb-12, to lugnet.robotics)
  LEGO arm and hand
Check out this life-size LEGO arm and hand. It's pretty amazing. (URL) (13 years ago, 23-Feb-12, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce)
  Re: NQC and RCXCC
(...) Never mind I got it now! It's a 2 step process. 1) Use the instructions you provided to set the "variable" in Windows XP. !!!RESTART THE COMPUTER!!!! !!!RESTART THE COMPUTER!!!! 2) When you start BrixCC select RCX2 from the drop-down list. (...) (13 years ago, 1-Feb-12, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: NQC and RCXCC
<<snip>> (...) Thanks ROSCO I did that and it does work when I am using the "command line" of NQC. When I do either: nqc -Trcx2 -d counter.nqc or nqc -d counter.nqc However in BricxCC when I hit compile I get an error saying Undefined function (...) (13 years ago, 1-Feb-12, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: NQC and RCXCC
(...) Hi Ahui, You can set environment variables on XP by going to Control Panel / System, click Advanced tab, and click "Environment Variables" near the bottom. You can add it to either system variables (available to all users) or just for the user (...) (13 years ago, 1-Feb-12, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

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