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 Robotics / *48198 (-5)
  Re: Train motors comparison
(...) Hi Philo, Thanks for this information. I can imagine that you have only one motor for testing purpose, but if possible, can you open the PF motor to see if it can be placed in the 9V train motor casing? I'm convinced that several people are (...) (14 years ago, 2-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: Train motors comparison
(...) Ditto, except 6 wide. Thanks, Phillipe. Ed (14 years ago, 1-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: Train motors comparison
(...) Okay, this is awesome work, Philippe, to see the comparison of the new PF motor vs the 9 volt motor. As an eight wider, I always lamented the underpowered 9 volt motor in its attempts to pull heavy, 8 wide consists. But it wasn't such an issue (...) (14 years ago, 1-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: Train motors comparison
(...) Very nice Philo, thanks! ROSCO (14 years ago, 1-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Train motors comparison
(URL) The 9V, RC and Power Functions train motors compete around a track under close scrutiny of an on-board NXT... Complete test results (URL) here>. Enjoy! Philo (14 years ago, 31-Aug-10, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, FTX) ! 

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