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Re: Four sets reviewd, but only one good one, so be warned!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.dear-lego
Sat, 5 Jan 2008 04:50:11 GMT
21927 times
In, John Patterson wrote:
You raise an interesting point about the box art on the Bikini Bottom Express: at what point can it be considered false advertising, since the included model so obviously deviates from that pictured? On boxes of cereal, for example, manufacturers always put a disclaimer to the effect of “Product enlarged to show texture”; has LEGO reached the point of needing to include a disclaimer stating, “Product rendered with CGI to cover flaws of actual model” ? Of course, most of us would simply prefer that the model match the box art as closely as possible. But at a minimum, perhaps LEGO needs to state that the box art is an artistic representation of the actual product.

Incidentally, I used those same windows on a caboose of mine:

The orange panel windows it uses are from an earlier Sponge Bob set, and the color discrepancy was still an issue then, although this latest set really highlights it.

-Jordan Schwarz

Perhaps it is due to Flextronics not having the quality control that Lego did. Why they moved production to Juarez Mexico is beyond me.

(Note that I don’t know, and that I’m not wearing my Ambassador’s hat here). I would guess that costs are a major consideration, and that the NAFTA has had a bearing on this - keep in mind that the USA is LEGO’s biggest market.

   Perhaps very cheap labor, less than $2.00 an hour might be the reason.

Well, labour costs would have a bearing, no doubt. But less than $2 an hour? Who knows? Don’t forget that cost is not necessarily an indicator of quality. I’ve seen a lot of shoddy work done in a number of fields for a lot more than $2 an hour.

   Shades of overseas clothing sweat houses.

This I doubt. Unless LEGO are assembling sets by hand.

   Check the box next time you buy a Lego. “Components made in Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Mexico and the Czech Republic” John P

Excellent. An internationally produced product for an international market.


Richie Dulin

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Four sets reviewd, but only one good one, so be warned!
(...) The USA is the largest market only in the sense that we barely buy more total product than Germany since the debut of the LEGO Star Wars line. Germany still has the highest per-capita sales by a massive margin, and the EU (which was comparably (...) (17 years ago, 5-Jan-08, to, lugnet.dear-lego, FTX)
  Re: Four sets reviewd, but only one good one, so be warned!
(...) I live in El Paso and that is the wage in Juarez, or less. I would doubt that it is too international. Nothing is made in the US, Germany, England, New Zealand, or Australia. Though some things are made in China. I would say that the (...) (17 years ago, 5-Jan-08, to, lugnet.dear-lego, FTX)

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  Re: Four sets reviewd, but only one good one, so be warned!
(...) Perhaps it is due to Flextronics not having the quality control that Lego did. Why they moved production to Juarez Mexico is beyond me. Perhaps very cheap labor, less than $2.00 an hour might be the reason. Shades of overseas clothing sweat (...) (17 years ago, 5-Jan-08, to, lugnet.dear-lego, FTX)

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