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Re: Camera ?'s
Sat, 21 Dec 2002 15:11:28 GMT
1348 times
I don't know about a video camera, but for a still camera you should look for:

Resolution (megapixels)- you can crop small stuff out of large pictures that
you couldn't do otherwise with smaller sizes, and get more detail

Zoom:  Might not be neccecary for macro photography, but still useful.  Go
for optical zoom, its real zoom.  Digital zoom is just adding pixels into an
image to make it bigger- it dosn't add any real detail.

Macro mode:  This allows you to take close-ups of objects.  Look at the
focusing distance on a camera, I would say anything below 4 inches makes for
a good macro.

Controls: Look for how much controls you have on the camera.  Automation is
nice, but being able to change white balance, ISO, exposure, flash, set
focusing, and other things as well make for good pictures.

It's also nice if the camera can use a rechargable battery, as cameras are
large power hogs.

Hope this helps!


In lugnet.publish, Kevin Wanner writes:
    Hello I havn't posted here befor but I wanted to know what type of
things I should look for on a camera (I'm looking for both still and video
info; not necessarily together.)  Also I would like to also know what type
of editing software you would recomend and prices/pros and cons if posible.
    I haven't decided yet what to do but I am looking at doing either a net
story or a video with Lego people (No duh) and I would like to know what
type of stuff you use.  Thanx in advance.
               --Kevin Wanner

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Camera ?'s
(...) Personally I leave my camera set to 640x480 most of the time, though it can do 1024x768 (1.3 megapixels). That's all you need if you're just going to post it on the web. Higher resolution (i.e. more megapixels) is only needed if you want to (...) (22 years ago, 24-Dec-02, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Camera ?'s
Hello I havn't posted here befor but I wanted to know what type of things I should look for on a camera (I'm looking for both still and video info; not necessarily together.) Also I would like to also know what type of editing software you would (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.publish)

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