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Re: Cheap Webcams?
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 20:52:20 GMT
1979 times
In lugnet.publish, Paul Mison writes:

The pictures on my site (plug follows in .sig) were taken with a fairly
old Sony Mavica (sorry, I don't have the model number to hand- I
borrowed it from work) at 640x480. It takes a bit of skill to get them
out OK (and you can see some of the pics are a bit fuzzy) but you *can*
still get reasonable pics at that resolution.

Thanks for the link - your pictures turned out great - I think 640x480 could be
fine for the sort of thing that I want to do (take pictures from inside a LEGO
jungle of ~60 palm trees) :) Although manual focus seems to be a definate

Unless there's some fundamental difference between web-cams and digi-cams that
I don't know about??

There doesn't seem to be much on the web about low-fi LEGO publishing :( (1)


1 - Yet. If this turns out well I'll certainly write something up to help
cash-strapped people like me share their LEGO with the world :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cheap Webcams?
(...) The pictures on my site (plug follows in .sig) were taken with a fairly old Sony Mavica (sorry, I don't have the model number to hand- I borrowed it from work) at 640x480. It takes a bit of skill to get them out OK (and you can see some of the (...) (25 years ago, 9-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

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