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  "Living and Loving" Magazine Bob the Builder Promo in SAf
Hey everyone, I finally have *SOMETHING* to report, other than the fact that it's summer here, for which many of you may feel free to envy me. In the December 2002 "Living and Loving" magazine that appears here in South Africa (and, because it's in (...) (22 years ago, 23-Nov-02, to, lugnet.general,
  on sale at a Woolies/Safeway near you...
Just back from the local Safeway with the following news: there are worse promo sets available on a part/$ rating than the Bionicles at Maccas. The sets are: 4612: 5 'useable' pieces, a fig, and a plastic/card wing piece 4613: 12 'useable' pieces, 1 (...) (22 years ago, 14-Sep-02, to,
  Re: Maersk Blue?
(...) Guys, guys, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but neither the Telekom 1x1 round bricks, nor the bricks in Belville 5842 are Maersk blue. The real Maersk blue is NOT light blue, it's more like greenish blue or light turquise, and so far I have ONLY (...) (22 years ago, 6-Sep-02, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Maersk Blue?
(...) Good grief Huw, that's a fair old haul of maersk blue! You've got more bricks there than I have tan and green 1x4x3 train windows put together... ;-) Jason J Railton (22 years ago, 5-Sep-02, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Maersk Blue?
(...) Hey, I have seen that before :) Although at this point in time I do not have the light blue and the aqua in the scan that has the Maersk blue they are different colors. Medium Blue is the closest color to Maersk, they are only about 2 shades (...) (22 years ago, 4-Sep-02, to, lugnet.general,

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