| | Please help identify this brick
I have found a printed brick, which I have never heard of, on a fleamarket in northern Germany. Please let me know, if you know anything about this brick and the set it might belong to. (URL) Regards, Ben (24 years ago, 2-Oct-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) FYI I did type in 1 through 8 and expected to see the latest McD promo's. After all, that is the most obvious number on there. Just because it's a single digit does not take away from it's significance as a set identifier. KL (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) Yup, I think it's weird too. (...) I think they're also that. :-) Remember the SHELL promo sets from 1998? They had both low-numbered SHELL numbers (1-10 or something like that) and 4-digit LEGO set numbers on the instructions. For example, (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
while I agree that the numbers don't seem quite right, I don't think it really matters... my reasoning is this: The numbers are entered in the DB only so people can find the sets they're looking for. If I have a box with 8448 on it, I'd never find (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) (ok, the velveeta one has "set no 1" writen all over it, but you get my point) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) I guess it's just weird that the numbers arn't sequential or following some sort of pattern... you know? besides, if they just scavenged for some empty set numbers, that implys they have a list of available numbers somewhere ;) I don't know, (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) One encouraging thing is that most of those 8 numbers don't seem to have collisions with other sets. (But the DUPLO area of the sets DB is still kinda sparse, and that's where many of the low numbers hang out, so there could be collisions (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
(...) Just wondering how we know that's a set number, and not some other random number... normally it's quite apparent... not stealthy... I'm (personally) not 100% sure :/ (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
OK, do we have enough concensus to put them in the set reference now ? Ray (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: McDonalds 1999 promo sets in set reference ?
Todd Lehman <lehman@javanet.com> wrote in message news:G1K6xG.HpK@lugnet.com... (...) That was my conclusion also. (...) Single unit Huw (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.promo)