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 Promotional / *451 (-10)
  FT 1054 Stenna Line Ferry MISB
Hi there - I have 2 of these ferrys on offer. I collect mainly Pirate/Soldier and castle sets and am open to suggestions. Please email me: with any questions. Cheers, Ben. (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to
  Re: New LEGO Castle Promo sets
Heya ! Are these sets available in Munich yet ? If, so where in Munich can I find them ? Thanx. Rene (...) (25 years ago, 28-Aug-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  Re: New LEGO Castle Promo sets
(...) Someone has been combining the chromed bits and auctioning Really Shiney Bulls Cavalry on eBay. These are real parts then (the shield and helmet). These packs may never make it here, but I'd bet all the parts will. It's especially nice to see (...) (25 years ago, 26-Aug-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  New LEGO Castle Promo sets
Hi Castle and/or promo fans, I was able to pick up four new sets this morning in a german toy shop. I doubt that they will make it to the US as well, but in any case I made a few scans of the sets [#4816 - 4819] You can see them here; within the (...) (25 years ago, 26-Aug-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  British Air Promo (or lack there of)
Sadly it appears that British Airways no longer has a LEGO promo set available in flight. This past Monday I caught a BA flight from London to Stockholm and the 2769 set (nor anything else) is no longer listed in the in-flight duty free catalog. A (...) (25 years ago, 23-Aug-00, to
  Need Help/Info on an Unusual Lego 70's Store Display
Hi All, Check out a great find a friend has given me: (URL) have had it for a couple of months, but have now just gotten around to cleaning it up. I would be forever thankful for any information or pictures of the original model. Thanks, Joe P.S. I (...) (25 years ago, 19-Aug-00, to lugnet.general,
  Re: German Telekom sets
(...) Or (...) Yes, they are still available. You will probably have no problems finding the sets in Munich. Arnold (25 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to
  German Telekom sets
Hallo, are the German Telekom sets still available in Germany ? I'll visit Munich end of August. Is there any chance to find some of the sets in stores in Munich ? Or somewhere in Germany ? Thanx. Rene e-mail: (25 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
They never replied about the VAT. I ordered 5 of each, and "quite a few" extra of the 2 smaller sets ;-) (...) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ home ***(URL) Bay Area DSMs (25 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to
  Soccer Promo, possibly German
Hey all, I saw this Soccer Promo set, a tiny polybag, here in .il. The writing is German so I figured it might've originated from there. It came as a present from a kids' magazine; two 'figs, including a grey baseball cap. I'll scan the bag ASAP... (...) (25 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports,

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