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Re: Todd and Suz Wedding?
Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:08:46 GMT
891 times
Suzanne D. Rich <> wrote:
Being in Boston, I'm about as far away as one could get while remaining in the
continental U.S.

Cheapest plane fare on Travelocity for Boston<->Billund: $445
Cheapest plane fare for Boston<->San Diego:              $355
Cheapest plane fare for Boston<->London:                 $352


Matthew Miller                     --->       
Quotes 'R' Us                    --->    
Boston University Linux            --->     

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Todd and Suz Wedding?
(...) Well, if they get hitched at Windsor it'll save everyone some money. 8^) Dave! (24 years ago, 2-Jan-01, to lugnet.people)
  Re: Todd and Suz Wedding?
(...) Oi! Knock it off, I was just at LLW and was looking forward to an excuse to go to LLC! eric (24 years ago, 2-Jan-01, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Todd and Suz Wedding?
Funny you should mention this. I spent the last two days working on it. Now that it's 2001, it's time to get serious. But I must admit, such an enormous task is daunting to say the least. And I have zero experience with such things. I don't want to (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jan-01, to lugnet.people)

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