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 Parts / 358 (-20)
  Re: Plate 2x6 in year 1966?
And if that's not confusing enough... I also have 2x6 plates with "Pat. Pend." removed from the mold in red, white, blue, yellow and black. Some of the plates had the "Pat. Pend." removed from within one of the circles, others at the edge of the (...) (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to lugnet.inv,
  Re: Plate 2x6 in year 1966?
Wow, What's funny is that John is purchasing some old plates from me right now, so this discussion is rather Deja Vu! John, does that gray plate have Pat. Pend. on the underside? Of the mint plates you're getting from me 6 are of the 2x6 size WITH (...) (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to lugnet.inv,
  Re: Plate 2x6 in year 1966?
(...) This was a strange one in that the instructions did not show the detail of the roof. Mine is in very good condition with what looks like all original parts. I got it off ebay from somewhere in Europe. It is possible that it was a substitute, (...) (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to lugnet.inv,
  Plate 2x6 in year 1966?
(...) <snip> The plate 2x6 sounds very surprising to me. Maybe some brick historians can answer this question. 1. Peeron says about the plate 2x6: 1966 gray in 112-2, 1967 white in 371-2, then nine years nothing, 1977 in five colours. The database (...) (17 years ago, 30-Aug-07, to lugnet.inv,
  Re: Why does LEGO call the 33 degree slope a "25 degree" slope?
(...) It's actually 26.57 degrees. Including the lip at the end, a roof built with those parts will have a slope of 30.96 degrees. So the Lego name probably comes from approximating the slope. The community name probably comes from erroneously using (...) (17 years ago, 5-Aug-07, to
  Why does LEGO call the 33 degree slope a "25 degree" slope?
This piece : (URL) called a 25 degree slope, but everyone else calls it a 33 degree slope. Why the discrepancy? Is it really 33 or 25 degrees? And if it's 33 degrees, why doesn't LEGO update the product name? If it's really 25 degrees, why doesn't (...) (17 years ago, 5-Aug-07, to
  Set 6636 different part shown in instruction
Has anybody an idea which part is showing on the box of the set 6636 that looks like 2486 (Bar 1 x 8 x 2)? From the picture it has to be "Bar 1 x 8 x 3" but the set containted in real part 2486. Or was it only a mistake by TLC when they changed the (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-07, to lugnet.db.scans,, lugnet.cad)
  How to separate these two parts of "Hinge Hook Arm?"
Hey all, Have these two parts: (URL) it seems that the spring is missing. Now, I don't have a replacement spring, but if I did, what is the easiest way to separate these parts to re-insert the spring? Did it ever come with a spring? Dave S. (17 years ago, 30-Jul-07, to
  Re: lego pick a brick
(...) Part cost will always have as much or more to do with the complexity of the mold and the quantity of those parts that are being made than just the amount of plastic in the part. If I run a mold to make 1,000 pieces, vs running that mold to (...) (18 years ago, 30-Jun-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Help in identifing if parts are genuine LEGO
(...) It's a skateboard helmet ((URL) very cool piece. Tim (18 years ago, 30-Jun-07, to
  Help in identifing if parts are genuine LEGO
Hi I was searching through brickshelf for some ideas on military models and I came across this pic: (URL) and was wondering if the hats on the soldiers were genuine LEGO and if so what set they came from? I searched peeron but had no luck. Jon (18 years ago, 30-Jun-07, to
  One part I'd REALLY like to see!
would be a slight modification of this part: (URL) of a 2x2 plate, I'd like it to be 4x4. That would allow for better grip because of the increased stud area. The 2x2 stud area often does not provide enough grip for large assemblies. Also, there is (...) (18 years ago, 24-Jun-07, to
  Re: Yellow/white color change?
(...) Thanks for the link. This doesn't look good at all. I wonder if the "new method of production" is a temporary fluke or something that is here to stay? I think I could live with the yellow, but the white just looks too different from the usual (...) (18 years ago, 9-Jun-07, to
  Re: Yellow/white color change?
You might want to follow this current thread on Bricklink that's discussing this very issue. (...) (18 years ago, 8-Jun-07, to
  Yellow/white color change?
I received a Bricklink parts order recently containing some white and yellow pieces that look slightly different from the colors I'm used to. The colors on these parts are a bit less saturated than those of my existing pieces. The difference is (...) (18 years ago, 7-Jun-07, to
  Re: A few ways to use old skeleton arms!
(...) Indeed, the fit in the 1x1's is loose (my guess is it varies by arm), but the fit in the Technic cylinder is nice and tight! Dave S. (18 years ago, 16-May-07, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: A few ways to use old skeleton arms!
(...) I've had arms slip into the 1x1s before, but they seemed rather loose. Do they hold inside the pin connector any better? Jeff (18 years ago, 14-May-07, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  A few ways to use old skeleton arms!
Hey all, While building my ZombieTron, I discovered these two fits for loose old skeleton arms. (URL) Dave S. (18 years ago, 13-May-07, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: lego pick a brick
(...) Thanks Tim, what is in store PAB? Is that the Lego stores? I had one close by when I lived in Burbank and they sold them by the container. The large one was $16.00 and you could get a lot of bricks in them. I found a tun of yellow and tan 1x1 (...) (18 years ago, 7-May-07, to
  Re: lego pick a brick
(...) Practically everything is cheaper on BrickLink. Very few parts are cheaper from online Pick-a-Brick and shipping just makes it worse. Now, in-store PAB is a different deal. That can be incredibly cheap, for some parts. Tim (18 years ago, 6-May-07, to

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