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Re: Got my NXT on Wednesday
Sat, 8 Jul 2006 23:56:00 GMT
4255 times
In, Brian Davis wrote:
   Agreed. Although if it had full strong parsing ability, you could use the
string variables as arrays. But yeah, I really miss (&, for somethings, need)
arrays. Data structures I can do without (or roll my own with arrays).

All I'm asking for is fixed-size, global, 1-d arrays of numbers. I'd prefer
floats or ints, but just ints (32 bit preferrably) would be fine. Arrays of Bits
would be handy, too. There are many times when I'd like to make a 2D scan of an
areas and all I need to store is boolean information. Given the still-stringent
memory limitations of the NXT-brick, a 2D array of 32bit integers couldn't be
very large.

   As I'm sure Dave or Gus can show you at the meeting, you can make MyBlocks
with input/output plugs just like any other block. If you select a section of
code, any wires crossing into or out of the proposed MyBlock will end up as
plugs in the new MyBlock datahub. They are not, however, recursive (yeah, that
would be handy, but I'm not sure how detailed a stack the firmware implements),
and scoping of variables within and outside of MyBlocks is... confusing.

Hmm, I hadn't tried that. Still, if you can't edit the I/O, it could be awkward.
Also, I noticed that "my-blocks" are saved with your profile (?) so that all
my-blocks you ever made for every program show up in the list (?). I'm not sure
if this is right, but it seems to be the case. That is going to get ugly

Lack of Remote Control

   Well, there's always the $250 remote control of a second NXT set using BT...

For the purpose of manually operating the motors, I've succeeded in writing a
nice little program that lets you use the square button to select a motor and
the arrows to run the motor forward or backward. I'll try to post the program
later (my these programs are huge! almost a meg for approximately 25 blocks.).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Got my NXT on Wednesday
(...) Yep, I agree. It why one of the first things I did was write a MyBlock that would use file memory to hold and manage a 1-d array. Worked quite well, but it was slow, and I'm not sure what the ultimate read-write limits are on the flash memory (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jul-06, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Got my NXT on Wednesday
(...) Agreed. Although if it had full strong parsing ability, you could use the string variables as arrays. But yeah, I really miss (&, for somethings, need) arrays. Data structures I can do without (or roll my own with arrays). (...) As I'm sure (...) (19 years ago, 8-Jul-06, to

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