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 Organizations / United States / SMART / 382
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May 20th SMART Meeting: BrickHeap Wars!
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 00:16:42 GMT
4006 times
With both summer and the NXT launch sneaking up fast on us, we've decided to
have a BrickHeap Wars competition again for our next meeting (on May 20th).

BrickHeap Wars is a competition where people arrive at the meeting, and get in
teams to build what amounts to a mini-challenge on the spot. The only thing is,
they don't know the specifics of the challenge until the competition begins.

This time we are going to form our teams ahead of time, AND we are going to
invite teams from outside the club to compete! So there will be much more
action, much more competition, and much more FUN!

If you'd like to be a team captain, please post a message on this list before
May 5th. We've reserved a few team places for SMART until then. After that it
will be first come, first served.

For the rest of you, after a team captain posts his desire to host a team, it
will also be first come, first serve for people wishing to join a specific team.
Team sizes are 4 to 6 people. Note, it is acceptable for a captain to have a
team in mind that he's contacted beforehand. But the captain still needs to
register his team before the event. Mark Kenworthy or I will get in contact with
the team captains after they post a message for any coordination that we'll need
to do.

We're still working out the rules, but preliminary "pre-event" rules can be
found at These may
change a bit, but should give an idea of the flavour of the event.

Because building robots for BrickHeap Wars takes some time, the meeting will
begin earlier than usual. We'll gather together at noon, and begin the
competition not too long after that. If your team wants to get together even
earlier than that, (to discuss building strategy, or whatever) they may do so.

  David Schilling

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: May 20th SMART Meeting: BrickHeap Wars!
(...) Shane Brinkman-Davis, (unable to post himself,) has asked me to post for him: he's going to be a team captain for the BrickHeap Wars we're having in two weeks. If you would like to join his team, there are still a few slots available. Please (...) (19 years ago, 5-May-06, to

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