Pictures of SMART's robot display at Crossroads
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 16:34:36 GMT
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On Saturday SMART put on a terrific robot display at Crossroads Shopping Center!
This was a combined Crate Contraption and Great Ball Contraption. There was so
much going on that it was hard to take it all in! Trains zipping back and forth,
ball modules of every sort and colour, robots driving all over the place, and of
course balls bouncing and rolling everywhere!
Right in the center of our display was an NXT robot built by Gus Jansson. It
cleverly showed off some of the new features of the NXT: driving in a straight
line (without actually following a line), fine motor control for accelerating,
and turning, and an interesting use of the new motors to dump a crate-full of
balls using a scissor lift mechanism.
For a detailed description of the layout see the writeup here:
There are also links to movies that can be accessed there. I took some pictures
( but if anyone else took
pictures or video and has posted it online, I'd love to see them!
I want to thank everyone who people participated:
Gus Jansson
Mark Kenworthy
Shane Brinkman-Davis
Craig Zupke
Wayne Hussey
David Schilling
Doug Bell
Andrew S.
Sean K.
Patrick W.
Alex K.
And the following students of Lakeside school also participated:
Jennifer G.
Lennart J.
Tess R.
David I.
Rahul B.
Gabriel P.
Charles P.
They're ball contraptions were absolutely amazing!
I apologize if I missed anyone. Everyone did a great job, and deserves a round
of applause!
PS: On of the kids lost a LEGO wire during cleanup -- if anyone found an extra
wire among their things when they got home, please let me know so that we can
get it back to the rightful owner.
David Schilling
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Pictures of SMART's robot display at Crossroads
| (...) Thanks for writing this up and posting the pictures, and the video! Really wonderful stuff. I love how many different ideas people can implement - the screws are nice, but I think my personal favorites (after a *quick* browse - so much there!) (...) (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to
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