Re: Gift for LUCNY
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 07:11:14 GMT
2199 times
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"Ed McGlynn" <> wrote in message
> > We would love it if you could pick up a set of straight rails (we have NO track
> > at all),
> > cross road plates, or 3737 train wagon bottom. Not asking for much are we? lol
> >
> I think I can swing that...will you guys be able to make it to the GATS
> show? Otherwise, I can drop them off in Binghamton next week perhaps. Send
> me an eMail and we'll exchange details.
> Ed
Boy am I lucky to have looked at the computer on my way back to bed.
If you bring it by next week (Christmas!) we won't be able to pay you back. All
our money is gone until people's next payday on the 2nd. So scratch the idea of
picking stuff up for us.
As for GATS I got an email from Kevin about it and after looking the reply
I sent
it seems it only went to him instead of everyone. Grrr microflop.
From my reply:
"Hate to sound like a broken record. There won't be any Drumm family
participation. We were hoping on Duane getting his container car done before
this, but he's in the hospital (been there a while). I'm not sure that even
if one of us did the work for/with him we would have it done on time.
Is there any chance we could get to look at a LUCNY handout? E-mail is
ok, but a couple of "live" ones snail mailed would be better."
Nicole Drumm MS
Brickshelf Account: drumm-family
Bricklink Store:
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Gift for LUCNY
| (...) OK - my list of things not to do is filling up! Understood completely. (...) I'll send one via eMail, as I've only managed to print a few thus far, OK? Best wishes to Duane. Ed (...) (22 years ago, 18-Dec-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Gift for LUCNY
| (...) I think I can swing that...will you guys be able to make it to the GATS show? Otherwise, I can drop them off in Binghamton next week perhaps. Send me an eMail and we'll exchange details. Ed (...) (22 years ago, 18-Dec-02, to
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