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 Organizations / United States / BLOC / 32
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Re: Now appearing at a Toys'R'Us near you...Me!
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 22:48:01 GMT
2932 times
Well, I guess we know what we'll all be doing on Saturday!  :)


(Going to Adrian, that is!)

Adrian Drake <> wrote in message
Well, as I was in my local TRU buying a couple of bulk tubs for my latest
(as yet unstarted and supersecret) sculpture, I was confronted by one of • the
women who work in the toy department, who asked me why the heck I was • buying
so many tubs.  (I only got 4, but I'm going back for more).  I told her • that
I was a Lego sculptor, and she asked me if I'd like to come in on • Saturday,
April 7th, and do a little building in the store, just for fun.  So I said
yes.  I figured it'll get the word out to the locals as to the existance • of
BLOC, and well as Lugnet (and me as well...)

Now all I need to do is come up with a subject for a sculpture that I can • do
in a few hours while sitting in a TRU.  This is very exciting for me, and • a
great opportunity as well.

Anybody who wants to drop in and say hello, or bring a MOC to show to the
masses, or anything else like that is welcome to.  I haven't yet set up a
time, but I figure it'll be something like 1-5 in the afternoon, or
something like that.


Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: Now appearing at a Toys'R'Us near you...Me!
(...) I'll need verification of the facts on April 2, but otherwise, I'm in! :) --Bram Bram Lambrecht (URL) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Now appearing at a Toys'R'Us near you...Me!
Well, as I was in my local TRU buying a couple of bulk tubs for my latest (as yet unstarted and supersecret) sculpture, I was confronted by one of the women who work in the toy department, who asked me why the heck I was buying so many tubs. (I only (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to,  

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